
within the
energy transition

In Brandenburg, a state in Germany characterized by its vast landscapes and an industrial history, a new era of energy generation is emerging: the conversion of electricity generation from lignite to renewable energy sources.


Global uncertainty: Domestic hydrogen will be an important building block for a crisis-resilient energy supply. With increasing geopolitical tensions, a sovereign national energy system is becoming ever more important.

Energy transition: A strong energy transition is needed to achieve climate protection targets. With domestic hydrogen, we can replace coal, gas and oil and also store surplus renewable electricity. This is particularly important during the summer months when the wind blows and the sun shines, generating a large amount of energy.

Water: The global water crisis is real. Compared to fossil fuels such as lignite, the production and use of hydrogen requires much less water. This conserves resources in Brandenburg and worldwide.

Structural change: Thanks to domestic hydrogen production, industries such as steel production or the chemical industry can become CO2-free or emit very low amounts of CO2. Meanwhile, the corresponding locations can remain internationally competitive.

Ok, but what actually is hydrogen?

Hydrogen is a universal energy carrier. In the future, it will be produced primarily through a process called electrolysis. In this process, water is split into its basic elements - hydrogen and oxygen. The energy for this process is supplied by (renewable) electricity. It does not produce any harmful greenhouse gas emissions, only pure oxygen. Both the oxygen and the waste heat produced by larger facilities can be utilized by various industries and sectors. However, there is one question that many people often ask themselves:

If hydrogen production requires water, is this a good idea in water-scarce areas like Brandenburg?

Water forms the basis of green hydrogen production. This is not unusual as all conventional energy sources require enormous quantities of water during their extraction, production and use. The link between water and energy therefore is inseparable and complex. This is problematic, as water scarcity threatens to exacerbate conflicts worldwide and undermine energy security, even in the present day.

Water stress is evident in Germany and Brandenburg. This is often due to prolonged periods of drought and rising temperatures, evident impacts of climate change. At the same time, lignite mining in Brandenburg has had a lasting negative impact on groundwater bodies for over a century. Several groundwater reservoirs are extremely overexploited in the area.

Is there enough water in Brandenburg to produce hydrogen?

Water you doing?

Yes, there is enough water in Brandenburg to produce hydrogen. Overall, the share of water used in potential hydrogen production would represent a very small fraction of the region's total water usage, ranging from 1% to 6%. Larger industrial sites already consume a significantly higher amount of water in their activities.


And how much water is this compared to other energy sources?

In contrast to fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil, hydrogen requires less water overall for the conversion and provision of energy. This means: less water for the same amount of energy. At the same time, modern cooling systems in power plants can offer further potential water savings.

If, for example, the same amount of electricity produced by the Jänschwalde coal-fired power plant in Brandenburg were to be supplied using hydrogen, it could reduce its annual water consumption by over 116 billion liters. This amount could provide enough drinking water for the 2.6 million residents of Brandenburg for an entire year.

What do concrete application examples look like?

Using three examples, this study shows the possibilities of hydrogen production and its potential to save water and CO2.

Car: The water needed annually to irrigate a professional football pitch is approximately 5,000m3. The same amount could fuel a 5 MW electrolysis plant that produces 400 tons of hydrogen per year. This could supply energy to 3,000 families for a year while preventing 8,100 tons of CO2 emissions, which would otherwise be produced by diesel vehicles. This equates to the carbon storage capacity of approx. 564,000 trees or 3,700 hectares of forest (17 times the size of Berlin's Tiergarten).

[Go to the factsheet for Case 1]

Click on the vehicles for more information

Examples of plants

5 MW


100 MW


Water treatment
(HT) electrolysis

1000 MW


Core Messages


Brandenburg has above-average potential for renewable energies (125 TW/h) and hydrogen production. It can therefore make a decisive contribution to the energy transition.


The energy transition offers the opportunity to create local jobs and increase local economies by establishing future technologies such as hydrogen production.


The transformation of the "Lusatian coalfield" and the possible establishment of future technologies at industrial sites opens up opportunities for the region as well as the optimization of existing water use, which is currently dominated by "sump water".


Brandenburg has very good conditions for hydrogen production, which only has a limited impact on the local water balance.


The potential water requirement for tapping the domestic hydrogen potential would only correspond to approx. 1 - 6 % of Brandenburg's current water extraction.


The water situation is strained and varies across seasons and locations. Consequently, both current and future water withdrawals should be critically examined and adjusted on the basis of hydrological expert opinions.


The water requirement of an electrolysis plant differs depending on the technology available. For plants with an open cooling circuit the requirement would be 59 liters per kilogram of hydrogen; typical plants require around 25 liters per kilogram of hydrogen; and, for optimized plants, the requirement can be reduced to as little as 13 liters per kilogram of hydrogen.


Domestic hydrogen production will not necessarily increase the "water stress" in Brandenburg - it can even help to initiate a re-consideration on the subject of water consumption and position Brandenburg as a national and global pioneer for sustainable water and energy management.


There are many opportunities for synergies to take place. For example, urban areas could use treated wastewater for hydrogen production, simultaneously increasing energy efficiency and optimizing water use. As part of pilot projects, cooperation between the public and private sectors should be examined in order to implement concrete projects and solutions.

The Future

Well thought-out water management initiatives and successful pilot projects are needed to follow this visionary path.

Brandenburg can play a pioneering role in the energy and industrial landscape of Germany and Europe. The energy transition needs to be appropriately combined with a regional water transition as part of the integrated hydrogen strategy. By developing strong domestic hydrogen production, Germany will also contribute to a sovereign European energy system and significantly reduce levels of water scarcity in countries that traditionally supply fossil fuels.

About this study

This study was commissioned by the state of Brandenburg and examines the effects of the expansion of hydrogen production on the water balance in Brandenburg, particularly with regard to the challenges of water scarcity and the integration of renewable energy sources.This study was commissioned by the state of Brandenburg and examines the effects of the expansion of hydrogen production on the water balance in Brandenburg, particularly with regard to the challenges of water scarcity and the integration of renewable energy sources.


Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie des Landes Brandenburg

Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107

14473 Potsdam

Telefon: 0049 331 8660

Telefax: 0049 331 8661533

Here you can find more information about water and hydrogen production in Brandenburg.

The study was prepared by Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, DHI WASY GmbH and Onewater gUG (formerly Water Science Policy gUG).

This website was designed and developed by Onewater gUG.